About the AMPT
The Australian Merino Production Trial (AMPT) is an innovative research initiative dedicated to benchmarking the profitability drivers within sheep enterprises. Over the past two decades, it has become Australia’s largest commercial assessment of sheep genetics.
Central to the AMPT are the Wool Trial Component and Meat Trial Component, which are essential for farmers seeking to accurately assess their flock's genetic potential.
Led by Craig Wilson of Redgum River Pastoral Company, this extensive trial leverages two decades of experience in gathering benchmarking data from over 12,000 sheep nationwide. This process provides participants with invaluable insights into the genetic potential of their Merino flocks.
For the 2025-2027 trial, the AMPT will focus on evaluating the commercial carcass and wool attributes of randomly sampled 2024 drop wether lambs. Each team will be divided into two groups, with 15 wethers allocated to the Fletchers' feedlot at ‘Kiargathur Station’, Condobolin, and the other 15 wethers run on pasture for two years at either Yorke Peninsula, SA, Kiargathur Station, Condobolin, NSW or Temora Ag & Innovation Centre, Temora, NSW.